The procedure for Tenancy Contracts starts with the moment the Landlord and the Tenant agree to form a contractual relationship between them. This occurs when the parties agree on:
- The period of the tenancy: There is no prescribed period for tenancy as per the law. This is completely between the landlord and the tenant. The norm for residential properties is that the period is for a duration of one year
- Otherwise prescribed in the contract between the Landlord and the Tenant. For example, the Landlord may clearly stipulate in the contract that at the end of the tenancy he wants the tenant to vacate the property
- The Landlord or the Tenant fail to fulfill their obligations under the Tenancy Law. For example, the tenant fails to pay the rent due or the landlord fails to hand over the property in a suitable condition
- The Landlord sends a Notice for Eviction “NOE” to the Tenant two months prior to the date of the lease’s expiry in the case of residential properties; and three months prior to the to the date of the lease’s expiry in the case of properties for commercial, industrial or professional purposes (Article 20(3)) of the Tenancy Law)